Monday, January 11, 2010

start type a blog again... english story.

i started write again to get a way my unmood mind that make me lazy to do anything. why i wrote this in english? i have story today about how important english in our life. when we tried to forget it, we will always find how important it is as how we need a girl in our life. hehehe. i'm sorry if i wrote it with a lot of gramatical mistake and many other because i were to sleepy. hehehe.
we ussually find english requirement when we look for a job. how we could complish the requirement with the easy way? there are many way to make it done. the positive way with learn english since we were a child or attend for english english class to learn it quick. there are a few people with lazy minded who didn't with something like english for our life. we could find a sertificate with easy way, like scan the sertificate and change the name and score of the sertificate to get a good score and easy way. hahaha. there are many of my friend did that way.
if we remember it again how important english in our life how could a people did like that to get sertificate that tell she/he qualified in english. are they didn't care if they do like that, the god will punish them in hell. hahaha. it's funny story. people who didn't care about life after this world life. hehehe.
learning english is basically easy. when we try to speak everyday with english altought we have a lot of mistake, we will easy to learn from that way because we will find what were wrong from we have tell and we were comfortable in speaking in english. when we didn't have media to learn english, we could try something like :
  • chat with foregn people in social networking
  • listening an english program or movie with no translate
  • reading a book or magazine who were wrote in english
  • play a game or something that smell english
  • etc.
thats all from me tonight. my eyes were to hard to open again and my neck can't hold my head. sorry if i made much mistake. thank you from every one who inspirate me to bloging again. hehehe.

1 comment:

  1. Berkunjung menjalin relasi dan mencari ilmu yang bermanfaat. Sukses yach ^_^ Salam dari
